Club 55

Club 55 is a fun, social programme introducing inactive older adults to the leisure environment, increasing their levels of physical activity and improving their physical and mental wellbeing.

Club 55 Project Summary

Physical Activity

The Club 55 programme provided residents of Stockton-on-Tees with free community based physical activity and sport opportunities. Recruitment was driven by working in partnership with external services/organisations such as MIND, Age UK and Thirteen Housing.

Free Access

Participants received a Club 55 membership card which allowed them free access to coached activities such as Tai Chi, archery, Zumba, curling, swimming, aqua fit and indoor bowls, as well as discounted prices in Thornaby Pavilion cafe. This was to encourage social interaction pre and post activity.

Special Events

Tees Active, during the period of the project, organised several events which included interactive cooking demonstrations, charity Tai Chi events, trips on the River Tees on Tees Active power boats and an excursion on Air Trail high ropes course.

Funding Partners

Club 55 was a collective partnership between local and national organisations and incorporated cash funding and in-kind donations. The partners were Tees Active, Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council, Sport England, Age UK, Middlesbrough and Stockton Mind and Thornaby Indoor Bowls Club.

Project Outcomes & Outputs

335 Participants

335 participants engaged in the programme over a 12 month period

74% Inactive

74% of participants were
classed as inactive

4,060 Sessions

4,060 individual physical
activity sessions were
taken part in

4,000+ Brews

Over 4,000 cups of tea and coffee were bought by Club 55 members during the period of this project

39% Healthy at Start

39% of participants rated their health positively at the start of the programme

57% Healthy after 6 Months

57% of participants rated their health positively after 6 months of participation

0 %

of participants reported increased levels of physical activity

It’s not about the exercise, though that is good fun, it’s about getting a chance to socialise. I live on my own, so I really look forward to coming along to the sessions.

Learning from Club 55

The success of the programme has been built on strong partnerships most notably with organisations engaging with the target client. Utilising these partners has enabled Club 55 to proactively recruit participants which appear to be the most effective ways of engaging this age group.

The social element of the project was just as important as the physical activities and needs to be seriously considered when designing this type of project.

The improved mental and emotional wellbeing is an output that should be measured in any subsequent projects of this type.

Group activities work better and introducing participants to a number of physical activities by delivering a series of taster sessions proved successful.

The Legacy of Club 55

Three years on from when the original funding stopped Tees Active still deliver subsidised Club activities at Thornaby Pavilion. This has enabled the Active Health team and Tees Active staff to be able to refer clients who are nervous or who have been formerly inactive in activities that will be a better fit for these individuals.

The partnership work which has been developed as a result of Club 55 has been an important learning experience and developing relationships with committed partners is far more important than working with a greater number of partners whose commitment to the project may not be as strong.

Having a robust exit route in place so participants can be signposted to relevant activities and services, is essential to demonstrate our
commitment to service users and funders alike.

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