As a not-for-profit community trust, we are passionate about people and believe that everyone should have equal opportunity to access high quality leisure services and benefit from leading a healthy and active life.
7,928 residents received discounted access to our facilities and made 96,287 visits to our venues.
2000+ individuals were referred to Tees Active’s Lite 4 Life and Energise weight management schemes.
Tees Active facilities attracted 1,967,095 visits in 2022/23.
20,496 children under the age of 3 swam for free at Tees Active swimming pools.
603 looked after children accessed our Looked
After Children’s membership with 3,286 free visits
to Tees Active venues.
Last year, we worked with the NHS to deliver
430 health sessions across our venues including
Cardiac Rehabilitation services and Blood Donors.
The Archimedes Screws at Tees Barrage
have produced 102,797 KWh of energy.
This was enough energy to power 33
homes for a year.
3.5 tonnes of recyclable material was collected from Tees Active’s venues.
Installed Voltage Optimisers in IB
Leisure and upgraded the Voltage
Optimisers at Billingham Forum
to reduce our carbon footprint and
improve our sustainability.
In the past 12 months Tees Active has reduced their gas consumption by 16%
Tees Active employees with TS postcodes could contribute £4.7M each year to the local economy.
We attracted £277,616 of external funding to support the provision of initiatives, local services and facilities.
We supported the local economy by spending £1,238,855 with local companies.
Tees Active supported the local economy by spending £1,238,855 with local companies
Tees Barrage was the runner up in the prestigious North East England Tourism Awards - Small Visitor Attraction of the Year.
Tees Active delivered a number of National Pool Lifeguarded Courses, with 39 people successfully completing the course.
Tees Active won a number of awards at the
Member Experience Awards. IB Leisure
won gold and Billingham Forum, Splash and
Thornaby Pool all achieved silver awards.
Tees Active recorded an average Trip Advisor score of 4.3 out of 5
We believe that cultivating partnerships and working collectively is the key to realising our potential and unlocking opportunities for a brighter future. We feel privileged to have worked with a number of leading organisations who are influencing positive change and making a measurable impact in communities across the UK. In our local area, we have built a network of key partners who we have worked with to develop and deliver many successful funded health projects and initiatives. Take a look at the case studies for some of our most successful projects.
Find out more about how Tees Active are working with partners to drive positive change in the community.