Tees Active in Pursuit of Excellence

North East community leisure trust Tees Active has not only retained its Customer Service Excellence (CSE) mark but has been awarded a record 11 compliance plus elements.

Customer Service Excellence is a national quality mark that seeks to reward organisations that have a truly customer focused commitment to all parts of their service whilst always evolving to make the customer’s needs, the heart of their service.

After a 12 monthly review visit from an independent external assessor, who met groups of customers, partners, and staff. Tees Active are delighted to not only retain their accreditation but were recognised for best practice in 11 ‘Compliance Plus ‘elements.

The assessor noted Tees Actives commitment to work with a diverse number of partners to provide coordinated services that benefited all the community particularly the hard to reach and most vulnerable. Tees Actives new information points in each venue were also praised in the way they have enabled customers to easily obtain information and provide vital feedback remotely 7 days per week.

Leon Jones, Managing Director of Tees Active said “We are delighted with the outcome of our assessment, and it reinforces how we make our customers and partners the heart of our service.

2023 promises to be both exciting and challenging but we are committed to providing the highest quality service to the whole community, as we aim to support the physical and mental wellbeing of all residents in the Borough.”

CSE accreditation operates on a three-year cycle starting with a full assessment followed by two annual reviews to ensure standards are maintained.

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