Venue Champion – Dee Carty Burland
After working tirelessly throughout the pandemic to support staff across the organisation, Dee received multiple submissions for her hard work, dedication and commitment to the wellbeing of Tees Active staff.
Well done Dee! Here’s what your colleagues had to say….
“I’ve know Dee for a lot of years – and in all this time she has never said to me “do it yourself”, or “I’m too busy”. Dee by her very nature has the best interests of the employees and the company at heart in all she does – she is caring, compassionate and has a lovely helpful, professional manner – with a personality to boot.
“She works tirelessly, and puts in long hours of work above and beyond her contractual hours to make sure we are all okay, we are all paid, we are all receiving the support we need. She sacrifices a lot of her personal time in the process and I feel she needs recognition for this, as this award isn’t from me, it’s from all of us if she gets it.”
“When there is one car in the car park at the start and end of every day, regardless of the time, that person needs recognising for their commitment and drive to help the company succeed. This is a simple indication of Dee’s dedication, however her warm, friendly nature shines through and she is so valued by the entire workforce for everything she does to support us all.”