Dry January 2021

Dry January is the UK’s one month booze free challenge that helps millions of people reset their relationship with alcohol each year, all thanks to Alcohol Change UK.

If you feel like you’ve been drinking a bit too much or too often recently, maybe as a result of everything that happened in 2020, and you’re ready to make a change then start 2021 right and reshape your relationship with alcohol! It only takes three weeks to break a habit, so this could be your route to happier, healthier drinking long-term. Dry January’s aim isn’t to stop you drinking forever, it’s to help you form a healthier relationship with alcohol.

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Taking 1 month off from drinking..

Lowers blood pressure

Reduces diabetes risk

Lowers cholesterol

Reduces levels of cancer-related proteins in the blood

Saves money

Helps you lose weight


Being alcohol-free for 31 days shows us that we don’t need alcohol to have fun, to relax or to socialise. It means that for the rest of the year, we are better able to make decisions about our drinking and to avoid slipping into drinking more than we really want to.

Put simply, Dry January can change lives.

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Dry January Rules

Rule 1 – No alcohol from when you wake up on New Year’s Day until 1 February

That’s it!

Whether or not you take part in Dry January is up to you, no one will force or make you. You have to be ready to make that change for yourself, for your health.

If you decide to have a drink, that’s totally up to you. A drier January is still something to be proud of, and your body will thank you!

But if you can make it through the month alcohol-free, you’ll get bigger benefits. The biggest benefit of all is that you’ll see you don’t need alcohol to have fun, go out, stay in, relax or do anything else you might associate with drinking. And knowing that will help you take control of your drinking year-round.


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