December Reopening Announcement

We hope you have all been keeping active during this second lockdown and that you and your families are safe and well. Following the government’s announcement and confirmation that our local area will be placed into Tier 3 once lockdown ends, we’d like to outline exactly what that means for each of our activities.

We are pleased to announce that due to the positive impact on mental and physical health, and the extremely low infection rates across the industry prior to lockdown, our venues are deemed as an essential service and can reopen in Tier 3. From Wednesday 2nd December, our gyms, swimming pools and the learn to swim programme will all resume across our venues.

The tighter restrictions unfortunately mean not all activities can return at once, but we are hopeful that if everyone plays their part then collectively we can bring down the rate of infection across the region and it won’t be too long before our full service can resume.

Unfortunately whilst we are in Tier 3, the ice arena, fitness classes (we will be launching an online streaming service very soon!), soft play and indoor sport/group activities will remain closed until further notice. We will be reviewing all others activities and group sports and will provide an update over the coming weeks as information becomes clear about which activities can return in this Tier. Please make sure you are following our respective social media channels for more specific updates.

We will update you at every opportunity over the coming weeks as things change. Please follow us on social media for all the latest news.


Stay safe, stay active
Tees Active team

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